Sunday, September 6, 2015

Refugee crisis is the fault of Eurabia

The Refugee crisis is Eurabia's own fault

Hundreds of thousands of refugees lately fled Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan and even Bosnia, to reach Europe, demanding to go to places like Germany and England. Many tourists are saddened to see their favorite spots overrun by tent cities, people without running water etc.

Why is this happening? The answer is simple. For years there has been genocide is Syria. Europe did nothing. Refugees from Syria poured into Jordan and Turkey. Europe did nothing. Almost a million dead in Syria. Europe did nothing. Over 3 million refugees in Jordan and Turkey. Europe did nothing. Did no one think that when these places were full, they would not try to go to Europe? If you had stopped these massacres years ago, there would be no crisis. A true crisis. Even Putin claimed that this was to be expected. Has he offered to take any refugees in?

Unfortunately Europe is so bothered with a fake invented crisis called the Palestinians because it can be blamed on Israel. Even as they trying to deal with a true humanitarian crisis, Eurabia is delving into rebooting the Israel Palestine talks. They do not understand that this is an invention, fueled by the Arabs.

Why is no Gulf state taking in these refugees? Because they do not want them. These refugees will change the face of Europe making it more Islamic than ever. Even intellectually challenged people like Emma Thompson says that Britain must take in refugees. She claimed that Britain is 'racist' for not taking in more refugees. Easy for her to say living in her home in Hollywood. A talbacker commented: "Muslims who live here are always putting down our culture, and hardly any speak out against the lunatics killing people here in the name of their religion. I think we're idiots to take more in, because when they get here they will try to turn our country into the one they wanted to leave." This is the same Emma Thompson who wanted to boycott Israel’s Habima Theater troupe in London accusing Habima of having “a shameful record of involvement with illegal Israeli settlements in Occupied Palestinian Territory". I believe that Thompson is Cambridge educated which says little about their acceptance level.

Even the head of the invented leader, Abbas, got on the bandwagon and is demanding that Israel allow Syrian refugees of Palestinian origin return to the West Bank. Forget the fact that most Palestinians from the Judea and Syria are of Syrian origin, so Syria is their true home. Forget that. Forget the fact that Palestinian nation was invented in 1968 and did not exist before that. Forget the fact that Abbas' legal tenure as President ended in January 2009 making him simply another dictator. Forget all that, remember only that in May 2015, Abbas refused to allow Syrian refugees into Judea and Samaria. He said, "it's better they die in Syria than give up their right of return" to Israel." Forget the fact that they have no right of return, it was not their land at any stage, But why is Abbas suddenly backtracking? Anything to do with his new $13 million palace paid for by European Union money which should have been used to help his people. Why does the world not call him out? Even our own opposition party leader, Hertzog, jumped on the same bandwagon.

Is this current crisis a new fight in the war against ISIS because in February, the Islamic State threatened to send half a million Muslim migrants in a ‘psychological’ attack against the West.
Is this current crisis a result of the newly inked agreement with Iran?

Israel is not protecting you, do you fell safe now?

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Iran is the new world superpower

Iran is the new world superpower

I have not spoken about the Iran deal because I thought that there were intelligent people out there who saw that this deal is ridiculous and does everything they say that it doesn't. Obama just came back from a vacation and apparently called everyone who thinks this is a bad deal, crazies!

OK, I am one of those crazies. Let me explain why I think this deal is bad in the simplest terms possible, bearing in mind that I am not a nuclear scientist.

  1. The Iranians are allowed to make their own inspections. Yes, you heard right. We should say that to all sportsmen as well. They must test themselves for performance enhancing drugs.
  2. If someone wants to inspect the nuclear sites, they have to give 24 days notice! Simply put, if the police suspect that there is a drug lab, they can phone you up and say we are coming to check whether you have a drug lab in your house in 24 days. How long do you think it will take to clear things out? Obama promised inspections to be not “anywhere, anytime”. Disappeared!
  3. The U.S. cannot demand inspections unilaterally. By requiring the majority of the 8-member Joint Commission, and assuming that China, Russia, and Iran will not cooperate, inspections would require the votes of all three European members of the P5+1 as well as the EU representative. Eurabia will do anything against Iran? They are scared of everything Muslim today.
  4. The Iranians are being given a $150 Billion signing deal. Do you know how much money that is? I would be happy if someone gave me $1 million. This money will only be used to fund international terror. Now, dear Mr Kerry tried to tell us that the Iranians cannot use that money for terror because of UN Resolutions. Hey no problem, give us the money and we will use it for other items and the money we now spend on health and education, we will use for terror instead. Kerry actually told Judy Woodruff of PBS News Hour, “There’s a UN resolution that specifically applies to them not being allowed to transfer to Hezbollah. They are specifically not allowed under another UN resolution to transfer to the Shia militia in Iraq." Strangely they still manage to do that!
  5. The deal is valid for ten years after that they can pursue their desires. Basically what Obama and Kerry are saying is that Iran can have the bomb, just not on their watch. Let it be someone else's problem.
  6. The deal provides for the West to provide Iran with Nuclear technology. Huh? The clause says that "E3/EU+3 parties, and possibly other states, as appropriate, are prepared to cooperate with Iran to establish a Nuclear Safety Center in Iran, engage in workshops and training events in Iran." So, the West will help them with the bomb.
  7. The US would help ensure the “physical security” of Iran’s nuclear infrastructure as part of the nuclear agreement. Kerry intimated at one point that this meant defending Iran against Israel. On NBC "Today" TV show, Kerry was asked if the Iran nuclear deal would make it likely that Israel will either physically strike Iran's nuclear facilities, or else launch a cyber attack against them. He answered "That'd be an enormous mistake, a huge mistake with grave consequences for Israel and for the region, and I don't think it's necessary." Ominous? Threatening?

I am sorry but there are more and more points against this deal.

Iran can have the bomb, just not while Obama is President. Let another president deal with a nuclear Iran.

Obama has brought the Doomsday Clock to near midnight, closer than we have been since Hiroshima. The most intellectually challenging contention made by supporters of the ignoble Iran “deal” is that its opponents offered no better alternative. So it is not that there was no alternative – it was merely that Obama was so eager to reach an agreement he was ready to accept almost any deal. He kept capitulating and compromising until the Iranians said yes. Basically it means that if you hold out long enough, you can get whatever you want. The Palestinians are experts at this.

"Our goal is to get Iran to recognize it needs to give up its nuclear program and abide by the UN resolutions that have been in place...the deal we’ll accept is: They end their nuclear program. It’s very straightforward."~Barack Hussein Obama, October 2012, presidential election debate.

Yeah right! In essence, with the new deal in place and all these secret agreements coming out, is there a place anymore for the IAEI?

Obama said that the whole world is for it. They rushed to push it through the Security Council. The
same people who sat negotiating with Iran met to authorize it. Unbelievable. Will this protect them in the long run? Strangely, the countries in the Middle East are against the deal. They feel that Iran is a bigger threat than Israel is.

Why did they rush in to make any deal that they possibly could without thinking? For China the reasons are probably business.  China sees Iran as a stable partner in the Middle East, allowing them to try and exert their influence in the Middle East. A recent report said that China and Iran have recently signed a  $1 billion deal that would see China trade 24 fourth-generation fighter jets in exchange for control of one of Iran's biggest oil fields. China needs this! As China has a huge chunk of the US deficit, maybe they demanded that Obama make any deal? Or maybe Kerry's Iranian son-in-law was threatened?   Or could it be that Kerry is simply capitulating to Iran because that is what he set out to do? In 2004 he told the Tehran Times that he will repair the damage to the relations with Iran.

Do you feel safer?


Thursday, June 18, 2015

Anti-Semitism is rampant and we are all victims

Anti-Semitism is rampant and we are all victims

Good day people, a few days ago there was a Facebook post from a British Muslim leader, Asghar Bukhari, claiming that while he was asleep, Zionists broke in and stole a shoe. A single shoe. This went viral. All over the news. By Zionists, we all know he meant Jews, not Israelis. Was he ridiculed, partially. But from chatter I hear on Facebook, some people believe him and have asked, why we stole his shoe.

Although he has been mocked, this does show shows how much British society has deteriorated, but also their tendency to blame everything on the Jews. Little wonder that Ed Milliband joined the band-wagon and took up the fake Palestinian cause.

But wait for a moment and think, if you are able to, if a white guy in America had said that a black American had stolen his shoe, what do you think would happen? He would be accused of racism across the board. But because he is accusing the Jews, it is OK. That is Antisemitism.

Now let us go a little further, what would happen if anyone in a Western nation accused a Muslim of stealing a shoe. Do you think you would be safe to go outside as a result of the riots? Wake up people.

If Israel is not around to protect you, will you still feel safe?

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Kill all the Jews, a new song

Kill all the Jews

I am one of those people who do not really think there is an opportunity for peace in the Middle East as long as there is Israel. If there was no Israel, then the Arabs would turn to killing themselves as they do in Syria.

A cousin of mine sent me this video to show my point. The video is extremely difficult to watch. I think it's important for all of us to fully understand the depth of the hatred that Arabs feel. I will not call them Palestinians because the Jews are the only Palestinians as anyone with an ounce of a brain knows. However this video shows how Arabs teach their children to hate, even through music.

According to the email, I received, "The Gaza Girls", a new so-called Palestinian girls band, is pleased to announce its new single, "Kill All the Jews.” The Gaza Girls hope to inspire Muslim women across the globe to express their individuality and say what they truly think!

The lead singer of Gaza Girls is Tina Shahida, an American convert to Islam who felt inspired to start this band after Israel supposedly committed genocide in Gaza in the summer of 2014. The way to win hearts and minds is through music!
Oh, by the way, if Israel committed genocide in Gaza, we are not very good at it. Nowhere near the level of Germany, Turkey, Nigeria, Syria, Iraq, Libya and many others.

Turn on your speakers. You will not believe what you hear.

SATIRE "Kill All the Jews" Gaza Girls Hit Single from Gaza Girls on Vimeo

This is not a satire. This is FOR REAL. Please forward to everyone, especially those you have ever argued with about the "poor Palestinians," or "land for peace."

If Israel is not around to protect you, will you still feel safe?


Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Obama is having a tantrum

Obama is having a tantrum

Anyone think that the issue between President Obama and Prime Minister Netanyahu has anything to do with Bibi? The truth is, that there is no basis, as much as opposition leader Hertzog would like you to believe. Obama's hatred of Israel is ingrained and started from the word go. Check out this video from congress if you do not agree with me.

Remember also that Obama's father is a Muslim, his sister his a Muslim. His half-brother is active on the part of the Muslim brotherhood. He grew up with the hatred of Israel indoctrination.

Bibi recently said that there can be no Palestinian state until conditions improve and that angers Obama? Why would the Iranian leader chanting "Death to America" not be a concern for Obama while he is conducting a peace treaty or should I say, American's surrender to Iran. Strange that all of America's allies in the region, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Jordan, are all worried about this surrender. In my previous blog, I mentioned why I thought the US is surrendering.

If you do not believe that what Bibi is saying is correct, just listen to this, from the serpent's

So a longtime U.S. ally’s remarks on the viability of a two-state solution offends the White House as White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest claimed and as Obama said. But Iran’s “Death to America” remarks are fobbed off ? Oh, but the White House said the death chants were geared to a domestic Iranian audience so it’s not a big deal. Jen Paski could not explain it. She fumbled the issue.

Let me remind you of something very important. Remember that the area that is called occupied by many, is not occupied but disputed. Jordan occupied it for 19 years. That is fact. No Jew was allowed there. But the so-called green line was simply the cease fire line and not the border line. Written in all the ceasefire agreements. Furthermore, that being the case, when Israel took it back from the Jordanian occupiers, it became Israeli and not occupied territory. You cannot occupy your own territory. Geneva conventions are irrelevant here. If anything Jordan should be censured for occupying our territory. Forget all that. Remember simply that in the year 2000, Prime Minister Barak offered the terrorist Arafat, basically 90% of land that Arafat was not entitled to. Arafat refused and chose instead to attack Israel. This was called the Al-Aqsa Intifada. Then a few years later, Prime Minister Olmert, offered the Holocaust-denier Abu Mazen, 97% of the area and Jerusalem as the shared capital. Abbas rejected the notion. Forget the issue that Abbas' mandate expired in 2009 and now he is simply one of the many Arab dictators. Who exactly are we supposed to negotiate with? Forget the widely acknowledged fact, that were it not for the Israel Defense Forces and the Arab coordination with it, Hamas would already have wrested control from the corrupt Palestinians. Little wonder why Abbas is not stopping cooperation with what he calls the occupiers. Why should we negotiate? Is America going to return Texas to the Mexicans? Maybe that is Obama's next step?

Obama surrounds himself with Islamists, such as the placement of John Brennan as head of the CIA, a person who is reputed to have converted to Islam while working as a station chief in Saudi Arabia in the 1990s. No idea if that is true or not, but he refers to Jerusalem as Al-Quds. Strange. His best friend is Erdogan. He caters to Qatar.

He supposedly sends Jews to placate us and sent Martain Indyk, a former United States ambassador to Israel, as his Chief Middle East Negotiator. But Indyk's paycheck is from Qatar, a country who endorses world terror.

So Obama throws a tantrum because the only country in the world that listens to the Americans today, would not do exactly what he wants. Israel dared stand up to him and said stop treating us like dirt. So how does he react? He behaves like all the other rogue nations in the world and condemns Israel. How? By simply not defending a fellow democracy in a place where there is stupidity, such as the United Nations in which they again accused Israel for the 2014 war started by Hamas.

Oh, by the way, guess who is the number one violator of women’s rights in the world today? Israel. Violating the rights of Palestinian women. This was sent in by the Palestinian representative who wants to be a full member. March 20, 2015, only Israel, of the 193 UN member states was crucified for for violating women’s rights. Strange that at least a quarter of Israel's parliament are women. Strange that in Iran and Saudi Arabia, a women is condemned if she is raped. Strange that in other countries, they are sex slaves.

The world today is on the brink of annihilation by the new Muslim world order and President Obama as the defendant. Do you feel safe? Obama return the peace prize!

If Israel is not around to protect you, will you still feel safe?

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Is this 1938 again?

Is this 1938 again

Is it 1938 again? We have an element that is trying to take over the world,  a new Third Reich, but this time Islamia. In the eyes of Islam, the world can be divided into two, Dar al-Islam or  Dar as-Salam, meaning "the home of submission" in which Muslims have control, such as the Arab world and Dar al-Harb or "house of war" a country where Muslims are not in control. In essence, Muslims want to bring a new world order and bring every country under Islam or make it Dar as Salam. One Afghani said in a talk-back: "Islam wants to rule the world in order to make the earth a better place for living." Can you imagine that? Actually the word Islam has nothing to do with peace as some people claim, it is Submission. Did I say Third reich? Question is who is the Caliph? ISIS? Iran? Turkey? In Europe today Nazis are on the rise only this time, the Nazis wear rags on their heads instead of swastikas on their sleeves, and hate Christians as much as they hate Jews.

A German judge recently said that "Anti-Zionism is the new code for Anti-Semitism." Obama, did you hear that? But there are more cases of items like this being dismissed. One blogger recently mentioned Charles Mauras from 1911, who said "Everything seems impossible, or frighteningly difficult, without the providential arrival of anti-Semitism, through which all things fall into place and are simplified".

Islam means "Submission" and has nothing to do with peace

For Jews, the world has become a dangerous place. Anti-Semitism abounds everywhere. Jews are not safe in Malmo or Marseilles, fully Muslim cities, and people say that Brussels is the next on the list. Is London safe for anyone anymore? In Paris, Jews are killed for being Jews or so the terrorists who shot them claimed, although the protector of Muslims claimed that they were "only a bunch of folks". It does seem that the US president is the protector of Islam, failing to denounce Islamic terror over and over again. I wonder where the American press is? What happened to them? Have they all been bought off?

Senator Barack Hussein was making plenty of noise in 2007 about pulling U.S. military troops out of Iraq.  Obama based his presidential campaign on promising to pull out troops from Iraq and bring them home. Then President George Bush said at news conference on July 12, 2007, Bush declared: “I know some in Washington would like us to start leaving Iraq now. To begin withdrawing before our commanders tell us we’re ready would be dangerous for Iraq, for the region and for the United States. It would mean surrendering the future of Iraq to al-Qaeda. It would mean that we’d be risking mass killings on a horrific scale. It would mean we’d allow the terrorists to establish a safe haven in Iraq to replace the one they lost in Afghanistan. It would mean we’d be increasing the probability that American troops would have to return at some later date to confront an enemy that is even more dangerous.” President Obama fulfilled his promise and ISIS (known as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) or Islamic State filled the vacuum. ISIS is totally Obama's quagmire and of his own making. It is an an offshoot of al-Qaeda. If he had asked any Israeli, we could have told him that when you kill the head of the snake, it grows a new one. We assassinated the head of Hezbollah and got Nasrallah. But the murder of Osama bin Laden is Obama's ONLY success and even that is suspect.

Even if he had looked at recent history, he would see the mistake Prime Minister Barak of Israel (similar name) made when he unilaterally pulled out of Lebanon - we got Hezbollah attacks, over and over again. Hezbollah have created their own country in Lebanon.

Why even go so far as Barak pulling out of Lebanon, Prime Minister Sharon unilaterally pulled out of Gaza, giving the Arabs everything they wanted, including thriving businesses. What happened? Hamas took over and filled the void and we got rockets. Wait a minute, here's a thought. We left Lebanon and got Hezbollah. We left Gaza and got Hamas, both are Iran proxies. The same country that Obama says is so peaceful. He is begging Iran to be nice in the area, which they may do in the short run, but as we have learned from the so-called Palestinians, agreements mean nothing.

Can anyone explain to me why Obama is so short-tempered with Israel but when it comes to murderous regimes such as Iran, Turkey, Syria, Russia and Qatar, he is timid?

Why did Obama not do anything about Syria? How many people have been murdered there? Why nothing on Ukraine? OK, he is too weak to face Putin. Why nothing on Turkey who massacre Kurds? The Kurds are truly deserving of a country of their own, they are a nation. The tyrant of Turkey is his best buddy.

Now we have the question of why Obama is surrendering to Iran. Iran has learned that they can do whatever they want. Iran has learned that if they delay long enough, the West will retreat. Remember, it was Obama who did not want any sanctions against Iran. If he does get Iran to sign a bad treaty and that is what it looks like,  then any problems that arise will arise after he has left office, so in essence not his problem. Any historian will tell you that appeasement does not work. Chamberlain tried it in 1938. Then there is another issue Secretary of State John Kerry has a son-in-law who is an Iranian-American with extensive family ties to Iran. Is it possible that the son-in-law's family has been threatened and Kerry has been compromised.

The world today is on the brink of annihilation by the new Muslim world order and President Obama as the defendant. Do you feel safe? Obama return the peace prize!

If Israel is not around to protect you, will you still feel safe?

Monday, January 12, 2015

France faces terror

France faces terror

France has got a taste of what Israel has been facing, but only a taste. The world was riveted to see what and how things revolved. So world leaders got together and had a love-fest in the form of an anti-terror rally. Guess what? Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu was asked not to come. All this barely a month after France capitulated to terrorism and voted on the Security Council to create a new Arab country on Israeli territory.

So Bibi was told not to come, but he came anyway. So France told Mohammed Abbas to come. And he did. So at this very solemn arena, why is it that Abbas is smiling like a Chesire Cat?

France surrendered to terror and gave in to their demands as you saw in the UN. However terror is like a snake. It does not know what it is doing, so even though you surrender to it, like a snake, it will bite you anyway. France is lost.

France Told Bibi: If You Come, We'll Invite Abbas.

Abbas is introduced everywhere as the President of Palestine. Forget the fact that in 1948, Palestine became Israel. Forget the fact that Abbas has no mandate. He is a dictator. His mandate ran out in 2009. Forget that, all irrelevant. Issue is that despite going against international law, the French recognize this total farce.

The old France, like the old Sweden, no longer exists. You have surrendered to Islam already. People say that now is the time to wake up. It took Spain over 600 years to rid itself of Muslim terror and now they too surrendered to it. Can the world wait for Europe to wake up? To the French people, we the people of the world hereby declare that France should be partitioned into two states for two nations, both with Paris as their capital. From this point on, it is illegal to build in Paris or in any other part of the Islamic Caliphate of France.

If Israel is not around to protect you, will you still feel safe?